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Acres U.S.A. is the premier North American publisher on production-scale organic and sustainable farming. For over four decades we have helped farmers, ranchers and market gardeners grow food organically, sustainably, and without harmful, toxic chemistry. Sign up for our Book of the Week newsletter to find out the best and latest book deals!
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The Permaculture Handbook

Peter Bane

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A Beast of Muddy Brain

Charles Walters

$20.00 $40.00
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Paddock Shift: Changing Views on Grassland Farming

Allan Nation

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Drought: Managing For It, Surviving & Profiting From It

Anibal Pordomingo

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Gut and Physiology Syndrome

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

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zzzRabbit-Raising Problem Solver

Karen Patry

$9.18 $19.95
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Land, Livestock & Life

Allan Nation

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Soil Science for Gardeners

Robert Pavlis

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Llewellyn's Book of Natural Remedies

Vannoy Gentles Fite

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zzzCircle of Poison

Evan Mascagni & Shannon Post

$13.00 $20.00
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zzzAdvanced Top Bar Beekeeping

Christy Hememnway

$17.00 $29.95
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Bet the Farm

Beth Hoffman

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Food In the Flowers

Polly W. Cheney

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Koji Alchemy

Rich Shih and Jeremy Umansky

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Holistic Management Handbook

Allan Savory and Jody Butterfield

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The Whole Okra

Chris Smith

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In Search of Mycotopia

Doug Bierend

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The Backyard Homestead Planner

Ann Larkin Hansen

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Perilous Bounty

Tom Philpott

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Whole Farm Management: From Start-Up to Sustainability

Garry Stephenson

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Storey's Guide To Raising Rabbits 5th Edition

Bob Bennett

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Capturing Sunlight

Woody Lane


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