Drought: Managing For It, Surviving & Profiting From It
What can you do to prepare for, survive and profit from a drought?
Of all natural disasters, drought weighs most heavily for those of us in agriculture. It takes an emotional toll as it seems to go on and on with no end in sight. Waiting, hoping, and praying for rain leads most farmers to inaction until they run out of expensive hay supplements and an unplanned complete herd liquidation.
Forage quantity declines in a drought, but forage quality may actually improve, and as Anibal Pordomingo shows in this book, it is possible to successfully continue grass-finishing of beef animals in a drought as well as keep your cash flow coming.
Drought: Managing For It, Surviving & Profiting From It offers techniques to use in order to survive "dry spells" that occur nearly every year. Drought is normal, only the severity changes. As this book explains, you can manage for drought, survive it, and profit at a time when others are selling out.
- Learn why legumes are a key component for surviving drought
- Learn how to transition livestock into a high legume pasture without bloat
- Learn what to plant to survive a drought
- And more...
SKU 7645. Copyright 2017, softcover, 70 pages.
About the author:
In addition to teaching as an Associate Professor at the School of Veterinary Sciences at the University of La Pampa, in Argentina, Dr. Anibal Pordomingo is the Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Agriculture Research of Argentina. With his family, he runs two farms of 1,200 acres total with 260 cows in a cow-calf and stocker finishing program. In Drought: Managing For It, Surviving & Profiting From It he shares his personal story and strategies that enabled him to survive a seven-year drought on his ranch in La Pampa, Argentina.
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