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The Acres U.S.A. Bookstore

Acres U.S.A. is the premier North American publisher on production-scale organic and sustainable farming. For over four decades we have helped farmers, ranchers and market gardeners grow food organically, sustainably, and without harmful, toxic chemistry. Sign up for our Book of the Week newsletter to find out the best and latest book deals!
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Making Your Small Farm Profitable

Ron Macher

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Gut & Psychology Syndrome, 2nd Edition

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

$29.99 $32.95
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Grow Your Soil!

Diane Miessler

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The Farm Bill: A Citizen's Guide

Christina Badaracco

Daniel Imhoff

Daniel Imhoff and Christina Badaracco

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Top-Bar Beekeeping

Les Crowder & Heather Harrell

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The Miracle of Milk

Barnarr Macfadden

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Newman Turner's Classics

Newman Turner

$85.00 $100.00
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Made From Scratch

Louise Placek

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Rebecca Burgess

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The Small-Scale Poultry Flock

Harvey Ussery

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Organic Gardening The Natural No-Dig Way

Charles Dowding

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Neem — India's Miraculous Healing Plant

Ellen Norten

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Holistic Orcharding with Michael Phillips DVD

Michael Phillips

$33.97 $42.46
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The Barn Guide to Treating Dairy Cows Naturally

Hubert J. Karreman

$24.99 $40.00
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Homeopathy in Organic Livestock Production

Glen Dupree

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Homeopathy for the Herd

C. Edgar Sheaffer

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Cancer, Nutrition & Healing DVD

Jerry Brunetti

$9.99 $20.00
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Backyard Medicine

Julie Bruton-Seal & Matthew Seal

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Farming on the Wild Side

John Hayden

Nancy Hayden

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Burn: Using Fire to Cool the Earth

Albert Bates

Kathleen Draper

$19.99 $24.95
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zzzStatin Nation

Justin Smith

$10.33 $19.95
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Wilding: Returning Nature to our Farm

Isabella Tree

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Small-Scale Grain Raising

Gene Logsdon

$24.99 $29.95

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