Sip, Pick, and Pack
This children's book pairs gorgeous illustrations with descriptions and explanations of how pollinators, particularly bees, work to pollinate flowers in a healthy garden, which results in healthy food.
Copyright 2017. 27 pages. Hardcover.
About the Author
Polly W. Cheney studied at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and earned a B.A. in English from Carroll College in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Her pollinator education began through the Michigan Master Gardener Volunteer program.
About the Illustrator
Kim Overton graduated from Hillsdale College in Hillsdale, Michigan, with a major in English, a minor in math and a teaching certificate. In addition to opening a bookstore, she co-founded an arts-integrated K-12 school, taught math and art, and earned her Masters in Education, as well as serving as a school leader on two continents. Her own creative journey seeks toe celebrate the magnificence of nature.
Related Books
Polly W. Cheney and Kim Overton have also paired up to write the book Food in the Flowers, for even younger children.
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