Oneness vs the 1%
"Breaking free of the 1% and their constructs is not just possible, it has become necessary." – Vandana Shiva
In Oneness vs the 1%, world-renowned activist Vandana Shiva takes on the Billionaires Club of Gates, Zuckerberg, and others, whose greed has wrought havoc across the globe.
Widespread poverty and malnutrition, a refugee crisis, social unrest, economic polarization and the spread of diseases, such as the coronavirus, have become our lived reality. Meanwhile the top 1% of the world's seven-billion-plus population pushes the planet – and all its people – to the social and ecological brink of extinction by deploying unaccountable money to bypass democratic structures, derail diversity and impose totalitarian ideas dictated by a mechanistic and militaristic worldview.
But we can seed another future when we deepen our democracies, reclaim our commons, and regenerate the earth "rich in our diversity and freedom, one in our unity and interconnectedness." This, then, is a healthier, necessary way forward – where humans reconnect to other life. This is the Oneness we must fight for.
Copyright 2018, 2020. Softcover. 208 pages.
Praise for Oneness vs the 1%
"All of us who care about the future of Planet Earth must be grateful to Vandana Shiva. Her voice is powerful, and she is not afraid to tackle those corporate giants that are polluting, degrading and ultimately destroying the natural world."
– Jane Goodall, U.N. Messenger of Peace
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