The Art of Fermentation
The most comprehensive guide to do-it-yourself home fermentation ever published. In The Art of Fermentation, Katz expertly contextualizes fermentation in terms of biological and cultural evolution, health and nutrition (with a little economics thrown in, too). But The Art of Fermentation encompasses much more and is really a compendium of practical information -- how the process works, parameters for safety, techniques for effective preservation, troubleshooting, and more. The book explains the concepts and processes involved in fermentation in terms simple enough for a beginner making their first crock of sauerkraut, and also offers deeper understanding for experienced practitioners -- from a master class, fermentation experimentalist and revivalist.
Copyright 2012, hardcover, 528 pages.
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.