Homemade For Sale: How to Set Up and Market a Food Business
Follow your dream to launch a food business from your home and join the booming movement of food entrepreneurs.
Fully updated and expanded, Homemade for Sale, Second Edition is the authoritative guide to launching a successful food enterprise from your kitchen. It covers everything you need to get cooking for your customers, providing a clear road map to go from ideas and recipes to owning a food business. Contents includes:
- Product development and testing
- Understanding state cottage food and food freedom laws and advocacy
- Independently tested recipes for non-hazardous food products, including frostings
- Marketing and developing your niche
- Step-by-step guides for packaging, labeling, and creating displays
- Structuring and running your business while planning for the future
- Bookkeeping and financial management
- Managing liability, risk, and government regulations
- Avoiding burnout through self-care and time management
- Profiles of successful food entrepreneurs.
More people than ever are demanding real food made with real ingredients by real people, and you have the freedom to earn by starting a food business from home. No capital needed, just good recipes and enthusiasm, plus enough business know-how found in the pages of Homemade for Sale to be a success. Everything else is probably already in your kitchen. Best of all, you can start right now!
SKU 7782, Copyright 2022, 384 pages, softcover.
About the Authors:
Lisa Kivirist and John D. Ivanko are nationally recognised speakers and writers with 15 books between them including the award-winning ECOpreneuring, Homemade for Sale, Farmstead Chef, and Rural Renaissance. Lisa is the instructor for the best-selling online Udemy course: How to Start and Market a Food Business from Your Home Kitchen. Together, they spearheaded the first-ever Home-based Food Entrepreneur Virtual National Conference. Lisa served as a plaintiff in the successful lawsuit that legalized the sale of home-baked goods in Wisconsin. She also leads Soil Sisters, an award-winning project of Renewing the Countryside that supports women in sustainable agriculture and is the author of Soil Sisters: A Toolkit for Women Farmers. John is a photographer and the co-author for six award-winning multicultural children's books including To Be a Kid, Come Out and Play, and Back to School. John and Lisa are innkeepers of the completely solar-powered Inn Serendipity B&B in Wisconsin.
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