Green Grass in the Spring
Tony Malmberg, who ranches in eastern Oregon with his wife, Andrea, and shares his lifetime of knowledge with other land stewards throughout the American West and around the globe as a master field professional with Savory Institute, has completed his new book Green Grass in the Spring: A Cowboy's Guide to Saving the World, an impactful work that discusses the concept of Holistic Management as a way of helping to heal a fractured world.
This engaging account is about inner work and outer work and how the two reflect and inform each other. Author Tony Malmberg shares his journey toward mastery of both his craft and himself. The journey is animated by Holistic Management, best known as an approach to land stewardship that incorporates the complexities of nature.
About the Author:
Tony Malmberg is a third-generation rancher. He has received many honors from agricultural organizations and environmental and wildlife interests, including the National Environmental Stewardship Award from the National Cattlemen’s Association. Tony demonstrates profitable ecological land use that adds value to his community.
SKU 7751, Copyright 2022, Softcover, 224 pages.
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.