For The Love Of Soil: Strategies To Regenerate Our Food Production Systems
Nearly a third of arable land worldwide has been lost to degradation and erosion over the past 40 years. With decades of experience in regenerative soil systems and their management, agroecologist Nicole Masters delivers solutions to rewind the clock on this increasingly critical crisis.
To face the challenges of today, we must take a soil-first approach to our landscapes, restoring natural cycles, and bringing vitality back to ecosystems. All while putting the food back into food.
SKU 7583. Copyright 2019. 299 pages. Softcover.
Praise for For The Love of Soil
"For years many of us involved in regenerative agriculture have been touting the soil health - plant health - animal health - human health connection but no one has tied them all together like Nicole does!
"She shows us through her own personal experiences and those of farmers, ranchers, researchers and medical professionals all over the world that the answers lie in the soil. A very thought-provoking read that is a call to action for all of us.
"I highly recommend For The Love of Soil for anyone interested in their health, their children's health and the health of our planet!"
– Gabe Brown, Brown's Ranch, author of Dirt to Soil
"A must-read for all farmers and land managers. Nicole uses a wonderful combination of personal experience, good case studies and evidence-based science to show how regenerative agriculture systems can improve farm productivity, reduce production costs, improve biodiversity, build resilience and how to substantially mitigate this existential crisis. It is truly a win, win, win soution to the multiple problems affecting today's agriculture."
– André Leu, International Director of Regeneration International, author of Poisoning Our Children and The Myths of Safe Pesticides
About the Author
New Zealand born Nicole Masters is an independent agroecologist, systems thinker, author and educator. She has a formal background in ecology, soil science and organizational learning studies in New Zealand. Nicole is recognized as a knowledgeable and dynamic speaker on the topic of soil health.
Her team of soil coaches at Integrity Soils have a proven record working alongside food and fiber producers across the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Learn Soil Health Management from Nicole Masters
Nicole Masters is one of four expert speakers who will be presenting full-day Eco-Ag U workshops at the 2021 Acres U.S.A. Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show! This annual conference will be held in person, Dec. 6-9, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Focused on eco-agriculture education, this event features two days of Eco-Ag U workshops plus three days of sessions on all kinds of eco-farming topics.
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