Natural Sheep Care
In this comprehensive guide for all breeders of sheep, whether for wool, meat or milk, Pat Coleby draws on decades of experience in natural animal husbandry to provide essential information for both organic and conventional farmers.
The original edition has been expanded significantly in the areas of breeding for finer wool and meat, land management, sheep management and treatment of health problems.
Coleby covers breeds of sheep, wool, meat and milk production, feeding requirements, poisonous plants, land management, minerals and vitamins, herbal, homeopathic and natural remedies, and more.
About the Author
Pat Coleby, 1928-2015, was one of the true pioneers of natural farming with decades of experience in animal husbandry and a special interest in the relationship between the health of the land and animal. The lessons Coleby wrote in Natural Sheep Care are based on her first-hand experience with providing natural care of farm animals. She was also the author of Natural Goat Care, Natural Horse Care and Natural Cattle Care.
Copyright 2006, 2012, softcover, 215 pages. 40 per case.
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New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.