Albrecht's Enduring Vision, Vol. IV
This collection presents more of Professor Albrecht’s brilliant, classic essays providing essential insights into the health of our soil. Albrecht was one of the first to see the danger in relying on agri-chemicals instead of soil fertility for healthy crops. In this carefully organized collection of writings, Albrecht explains the workings of the soil-crop system and substantiates his theory that depleted crops, weeds, and poor animal health stem directly from the lack of major elements and trace minerals in soil.
As pressure builds on contemporary agriculture to become simultaneously more robust and sustainable, Albrecht's findings—now more than ever—provide crucial information necessary for realizing agriculture that is socially viable and ecologically responsible.
Copyright 1992, 2013, softcover, 325 pages. 32 in a case.
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.